
◆編輯的話:游振鵬 ; 李彥儀

◆但昭偉(Jau-Wei Dan);洪銘國(Ming-Kuo Hung)/受臺灣教育哲學圈忽視的倫敦路線學者Patricia White

Patricia White: An Unfamiliar London Line Scholar to Taiwan’s Philosophers of Education

◆林仁傑(Ren-Jie Lin);林怡君(Yi-Chun Lin)/運用故事教學活化教育哲學知識之行動研究

An action research on activating knowledge of philosophy of education with storytelling instruction

◆張天泰(Tien-Tai Chang);楊宏琪(Hong-Qi Yang)/一位亞斯伯格症國小學童的蘇格拉底對話法教學旅程之敘事探究

Narrative inquiry of the Socratic Dialogue teaching journey of a primary school child with Asperger syndrome




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