I was delighted to hear from Yen-Hsin Chen that the Taiwan Philosophy of Education Society is to be formally founded on 19 March. I know from my own experience how important it is for philosophers of education to be bound together in their own society. I was a founder member of PESGB just over fifty years ago and it has shaped so much of my professional life – from its local and national meetings and its annual conference to the Journal of Philosophy of Education, to IMPACT, to its associations with other societies, to its scholarship schemes and development work. Above all, PESGB has enabled me to keep in close contact with colleagues and friends who, with me, all feel a part of a valuable academic community.
I am sure that your new society will initiate similar benefits for all Taiwanese philosophers of education. I know from my brief visit there nearly two decades ago what dynamism and intellectual power pervades your work. It is so good to hear that you will now have an official body within which to pursue it.
I send you all my very best wishes for your next fifty years and far beyond.
John White
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