轉知EPAT特刊徵稿訊息:Call for Papers for Special Chinese Issue 2020

Browse Events and CFPs – PESA

Deadline: Sep 30, 2019

Theme: Forgive, Forget, or Regret? The Dao of education in times of catastrophe

We are living in times of catastrophes, natural or man-made, such as hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming, extreme weather, wildfire, terrorism, industrial accidents, chemical and nuclear accidents, transportation accidents, war, and so on. Catastrophes, as sudden and unexpected events, are mostly unescapable. Any unexpected event can happen to anyone. Catastrophes cause great psychological or physiological sufferings and damage to survivors or witnesses. From the viewpoint of educators, the point is how to avoid or reduce the disaster, and how to overcome the consequent damage and suffering. This is the so-called catastrophe education, disaster education, or disaster prevention education. The practising of a fire drill, an air defence drill or an earthquake drill could be the most popular part of disaster education in schools. The real challenges are to survive the pains and sufferings caused by the catastrophe, to do justice to the victims, to take responsibility, and to forgive.

Where shall catastrophe education take place? Ground zero, museums, concentration camps, detention centres, prisons, or the historical sites? Where and how shall we learn about the contesting memory and the disturbing place?

How shall we teach about the memory? Or shall we forget?

Who should learn or teach catastrophe education?

How can we learn about a disaster with or without hardship? How do we live and learn from great loss?

How can we do justice to victims or survivors?

Can we learn to overcome the difficulties caused by the disasters from Eastern wisdom? What inspiration can we gain from Confucius’ saying, ‘Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness’ (以直報怨,以德報德。)? In contrast, as the traditional Daoists and Buddhists teach, in order to following the dao, we learn to cultivate ourselves to be ‘wúwŏ’ (無我nonself) and to do ‘wúwéi’ (無為nonaction). Does it imply that we accept  whatever happens to us and do nothing, say, meaning no need to pursue the compensatory or restorative justice? What does ‘justice’ mean in catastrophe education?

This special issue invites submissions considering every aspect of catastrophe education. Any article of philosophical elaboration of the space and the place, the witness and the survivor, the perpetrator and the victim, the curriculum and the pedagogy concerning catastrophe education from any tradition, in particular Chinese and comparative philosophy, is welcomed.

Submission Instructions

Papers for peer review should be no more than 6000 words in length, including references. Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. A guide for authors, sample issues, and other relevant information is available on the EPAT website.


For any questions, contact Ruyu Hung, professor at the Department of Education, National Chiayi University, Taiwan. ruyuhung@yahoo.co.uk hungruyu@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

Deadline for submission: 30 September 2019

Submission Procedures

All manuscripts should be made online at the Educational Philosophy and Theory ScholarOne Manuscripts site located at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/epat

Please mark as Special Issue under manuscript type and later in submission process when asked note that it is for the Chinese Special Issue 2020.

We recommend manuscripts to be 6, 000 words in length including references, but excluding the abstract.

General guidelines and details about manuscript preparation can be found on the website

https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rept20/current .

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