轉知Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB) Annual Conference 2020 徵稿訊息


PESGB Annual Conference 2020: Call for papers

Friday 27th March to Sunday 29th March 2020
New College, Oxford

Please note the submission deadline: Monday, 2nd December 2019

Submissions are invited for the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference. Submissions should have a philosophical bearing on education and may vary from an examination of a philosophical issue in its connection with education, to a philosophical analysis of some aspect of current educational theory, research, policy or practice. The educational bearing of the paper should be rendered explicit in the text and, normally, in the title.





本學期研讀書籍:George Anders, (2017) You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a "Useless" Liberal Arts Education, Little, Brown and Company.

Chap.1 The Explorers, pp.3-25

導讀老師:陳伊琳 老師  主持:林建福 老師

Chap.2 It’s 480 B.C, You Have an Ax,pp.26-50

導讀老師:蘇永明 老師  主持:何佳瑞 老師

Chap.3 You Can Start Anywhere. pp.51-78

導讀老師:王俊斌 老師

時間:108年9月21日(星期六) 12:00-16:30




E-mail: leia180687@gmail.com  (M): 0912-766 618

轉知EPAT特刊徵稿訊息:Call for Papers for Special Chinese Issue 2020

Browse Events and CFPs – PESA

Deadline: Sep 30, 2019

Theme: Forgive, Forget, or Regret? The Dao of education in times of catastrophe

We are living in times of catastrophes, natural or man-made, such as hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, global warming, extreme weather, wildfire, terrorism, industrial accidents, chemical and nuclear accidents, transportation accidents, war, and so on. Catastrophes, as sudden and unexpected events, are mostly unescapable. Any unexpected event can happen to anyone. Catastrophes cause great psychological or physiological sufferings and damage to survivors or witnesses. From the viewpoint of educators, the point is how to avoid or reduce the disaster, and how to overcome the consequent damage and suffering. This is the so-called catastrophe education, disaster education, or disaster prevention education. The practising of a fire drill, an air defence drill or an earthquake drill could be the most popular part of disaster education in schools. The real challenges are to survive the pains and sufferings caused by the catastrophe, to do justice to the victims, to take responsibility, and to forgive.

Where shall catastrophe education take place? Ground zero, museums, concentration camps, detention centres, prisons, or the historical sites? Where and how shall we learn about the contesting memory and the disturbing place?

How shall we teach about the memory? Or shall we forget?

Who should learn or teach catastrophe education?

How can we learn about a disaster with or without hardship? How do we live and learn from great loss?

How can we do justice to victims or survivors?

Can we learn to overcome the difficulties caused by the disasters from Eastern wisdom? What inspiration can we gain from Confucius’ saying, ‘Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness’ (以直報怨,以德報德。)? In contrast, as the traditional Daoists and Buddhists teach, in order to following the dao, we learn to cultivate ourselves to be ‘wúwŏ’ (無我nonself) and to do ‘wúwéi’ (無為nonaction). Does it imply that we accept  whatever happens to us and do nothing, say, meaning no need to pursue the compensatory or restorative justice? What does ‘justice’ mean in catastrophe education?

This special issue invites submissions considering every aspect of catastrophe education. Any article of philosophical elaboration of the space and the place, the witness and the survivor, the perpetrator and the victim, the curriculum and the pedagogy concerning catastrophe education from any tradition, in particular Chinese and comparative philosophy, is welcomed.

Submission Instructions

Papers for peer review should be no more than 6000 words in length, including references. Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. A guide for authors, sample issues, and other relevant information is available on the EPAT website.


For any questions, contact Ruyu Hung, professor at the Department of Education, National Chiayi University, Taiwan. ruyuhung@yahoo.co.uk hungruyu@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

Deadline for submission: 30 September 2019

Submission Procedures

All manuscripts should be made online at the Educational Philosophy and Theory ScholarOne Manuscripts site located at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/epat

Please mark as Special Issue under manuscript type and later in submission process when asked note that it is for the Chinese Special Issue 2020.

We recommend manuscripts to be 6, 000 words in length including references, but excluding the abstract.

General guidelines and details about manuscript preparation can be found on the website

https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rept20/current .


















※以上訊息,摘自: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010833054

本學會理事洪如玉教授主編之Cultivation of Self in East Asian Philosophy of Education由Routledge 出版

About the Editor

Ruyu Hung is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy of Education at the National Chiayi University, Taiwan. She has been awarded a Research Fellowships of Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association and a Fulbright Senior Researcher Scholarship. Her research interests include philosophy of education, ecological philosophy, phenomenology, deconstruction and Daoism. In recent years, she has extended her research into comparative and intercultural philosophies of education. She is the author of Education between speech and writing: Crossing the boundaries of Dao and deconstruction (2017); and she is the Regional Editor of the Educational Philosophy and Theory journal.


This book provides exciting and significant inquiries into the cultivation of self in East Asian philosophy of education.

The contributors to this volume are from different countries or areas in the world, but all share the same interest in exploring what it means to be human and how to cultivate the self. In this book, self-cultivation in classical Chinese philosophies—including Confucianism, neo-Confucianism and Daoism—are scrutinised and elaborated upon, in order to reveal the significance of ancient wisdom for today’s educational issues, and to show the meaningful connections between Eastern and Western educational thoughts. By addressing many issues of contemporary importance including environmental education, equity and justice, critical rationalism, groundlessness of language, and power and governance, this book offers fresh views of self-cultivation illuminated not merely by East Asian philosophy of education but also by the Western insights.

For those who are interested in comparative philosophies, intercultural education, and cultural study, this book is both thought-provoking and inspirational. The chapters in this book were originally published in the Educational Philosophy and Theory journal.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Cultivation of self in East Asian philosophy of education

Ruyu Hung

1. Confucianism and critical rationalism: Friends or foes?

Chi-Ming Lam

2. Is filial piety a virtue? A reading of the Xiao Jing (Classic of Filial Piety) from the perspective of ideology critique

Hektor K. T. Yan

3. ‘Keep off the lawn; grass has a life too!’: Re-invoking a Daoist ecological sensibility for moral education in China’s primary schools

Weili Zhao and Caiping Sun

4. The illusion of teaching and learning: Zhuangzi, Wittgenstein, and the groundlessness of language

Michael Dufresne

5. Donghak (Eastern Learning), Self-cultivation, and Social Transformation: Towards diverse curriculum discourses on equity and justice

Seungho Moon

6. Acting without regarding: Daoist self-cultivation as education for non-dichotomous thinking

Joseph Emmanuel D. Sta. Maria

7. The purpose of the MBA degree: The opportunity for a Confucian MBA to overcome neoliberalism

Robert Keith Shaw

8. Agency and social capital in Chinese international doctoral students’ conversion to Christianity

Qun Ding and Nesta Devine

9. Continue the dialogue – symposium of cultivation of self in East Asian philosophy of education

Ruyu Hung

10. Confucius’s view of learning

Yuanbiao Lin

11. Self-cultivation and the legitimation of power: Governing China through education

Bin Wu and Nesta Devine

12. Integrative ethical education: Narvaez’s project and Xunzi’s insight

Yen-Yi Lee

13. Confucius’ Junzi: The conceptions of self in Confucian

Jinhua Song and Xiaomin Jiao



通識經典研讀會 (108下半年度) 第二期導讀分工規畫表(修訂版)

第二期預定研讀之文本為:George Anders,  (2017) You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a “Useless” Liberal Arts Education, Little, Brown and Company.  本書已有中文譯本,李宛蓉譯,《人文學科的逆襲:「無路用」學門畢業生的職場出頭術》,時報出版社,可上博客來網站自行選購。每次活動由不同老師分別擔任導讀,研讀前負責老師準備導讀文字稿,其中包括:內容摘要,討論與心得,研讀開始時發給各位與會師生,進行導讀並隨時討論,每場次主持人擔任引言與導讀後之與談。討論完之後,導讀者根據討論結果,重新修訂導讀稿,並將稿件以電子稿形式繳交給計畫助理。每次導讀老師每人報告一個半小時。


研讀序次 預定研讀


主讀人 研讀內容


1 108/9/21(週六) 陳伊琳 Chap. 1. The Explorers, pp.3-25 林建福
2 108/9/21(週六) 蘇永明 Chap. 2, It’s 480 B.C, You Have an Ax, Pp.26-50 何佳瑞
3 108/9/21(週六) 王俊斌 Chap. 3, You Can Start Anywhere. Pp.51-78
4 108/10/12(週六) 林建福 Chap. 4 My Job Didn’t Exist A Year Ago, pp. 79-105 王俊斌
5 108/10/12(週六) 李彥儀 Chap 5 The Problem Solvers, pp. 106-128 蘇永明
6 108/10/12(週六) 游振鵬 Chap 6 Frozen Pipes, Thawed Minds, pp.129- 148
7 107/11/9(週六) 何佳瑞 Chap 7 Ruling the World,  pp.149- 175 蔡傳暉
8 107/11/9(週六) 鍾怡慧 Chap 8 Employer That Get IT, pp.177-200
9 107/11/9(週六) 張鍠焜 Chap 9 Your Alumni Connection, pp.201-224 林麗珊
10 107/11/9(週六) 楊洲松 Chap 10 What Your Campus Can Do, pp.225-246
11 107/12/14(週六) 方永泉 Chap 11 Prepared Forever, pp.247-270 游振鵬
12 107/12/14(週六) 林麗珊 Chap 12 Telling Your Story, pp.271-281
13 107/12/14(週六) 陳濼翔 Chap 13 Getting Paid Properly, pp.282-292 張鍠焜
14 107/12/14(週六) 蔡傳暉 Snacks for the Road, pp.293-304

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